Tuesday 9 September 2008

How do YOU feel?


I totally get what you're saying when you say you feel like all the hard work and effort you've put into trying to make things work have been for nothing. Like the debt has been paid but it was all in vain and all you're left with is the discomfort of the excessive stress and strain that you were put through. You don't want to say anything because they would think that you wanted their sympathy but that is not the case. All you want is for them to see what you have been trying to do and acknowledge your efforts but instead you're left with nothing. Not so much as a pat on the back because the fact is they don't give a shit. Nobody does.

I totally get what you're saying.


  1. it seems like u'r not feelin well dude !! but get over it !!

  2. I don't think you read the blog properly. I was simply empathizing!!


"I may not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".